
SUSTAIN Laboratory Handbook

This document outlines the safety and work procedures for the SUSTAIN Laboratory. Please read it before engaging in laboratory work.



Before arriving to the lab for the first time, please read the following documents that outline the safety procedures related to COVID-19:

Ensure to follow these procedures while on campus. Further, as COVID-19 regulations change often, stay up-to-date and follow the procedures set by the University of Miami.



Before conducting an experiment in either the ASIST or the SUSTAIN tank, fill out the Experiment design sheet and share it with the group at sustainlabcaf@miamiedu.onmicrosoft.com.

SUSTAIN wind-wave tank

Running the wind generator

The SUSTAIN wind generator is controlled by the control panel on the northeast side of the first floor of SUSTAIN, and by the computer on the second-floor catwalk. Please contact us if you need to run the wind generator for the first time.

Notifying the community of SUSTAIN operations

The SUSTAIN wind generator creates loud noise and ejects spray through the outlet when run at high speed. This can negatively impact our neighbors at RSMAS and/or Seaquarium next door. To ensure that we don’t disrupt others’ work, we use the following procedure to notify them of SUSTAIN operations:

Here’s an example email:

To: sustainops@listserv.miami.edu
Subject: Saltwater spray and high wind today from 3 to 5 pm

We'll run the SUSTAIN wind fan today from 3 to 5 pm.

Salt water. There will be spray.

We'll divert vehicle traffic through the MTLSS garage starting from 3:30pm.

To send and email to this list, your email needs to be on the list of allowed senders. Please email Darren O’Neal at doneal@rsmas.miami.edu and CC Brian Haus or Milan Curcic to request getting on the SUSTAIN Operations email list.


Before running the SUSTAIN wind generator, please ensure that

Running the wave generator

The SUSTAIN wave generator is operated from the computer on the second-floor catwalk. Please contact us if you need to run the wave generator for the first time.

Draining the water from the tank

ASIST wind-wave tank


Running the wind generator


Running the wave generator


Runing the water pump



You can find tools at three locations in the lab:

  1. Tool rack in the main room on the first floor (next to the ASIST tank)
  2. Tool bench in the pump room on the first floor
  3. Tool rack and bench on top of the SUSTAIN tank (third floor)

Most tools are redundant between locations 1 and 3. Please use the tools from a location that is nearest to where you’re working at. For example, if you’re working on ASIST, use the tools from locations 1 or 2. If you’re working on top of SUSTAIN, use the tools from location 3. If you need to use tools from multiple locations, please return each tool to its home after use.


Please contact us if you need help using any specific instrument.

Getting help

Please contact lab staff if you need any help in SUSTAIN.